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WebRTC is a new front in the long war for an open and unencumbered web
Voice is just another JS application
var constraints = {video: true}; function successCallback(stream) { var video = document.querySelector("video"); video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream); } function errorCallback(error) { console.log("navigator.getUserMedia error: ", error); } navigator.getUserMedia(constraints, successCallback, errorCallback);
video: { mandatory: { minWidth: 640, minHeight: 360 }, optional [{ minWidth: 1280, minHeight: 720 }] }
// Success callback when requesting audio input stream function gotStream(stream) { var audioContext = new webkitAudioContext(); // Create an AudioNode from the stream var mediaStreamSource = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream); // Connect it to the destination or any other node for processing! mediaStreamSource.connect(audioContext.destination); } navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({audio:true}, gotStream);
Make sure to enable Web Audio Input in about:flags!
var constraints = { video: { mandatory: { chromeMediaSource: 'screen' } } }; navigator.webkitGetUserMedia(constraints, gotStream);
pc = new RTCPeerConnection(null); pc.onaddstream = gotRemoteStream; pc.addStream(localStream); pc.createOffer(gotOffer); function gotOffer(desc) { pc.setLocalDescription(desc); sendOffer(desc); } function gotAnswer(desc) { pc.setRemoteDescription(desc); } function gotRemoteStream(e) { attachMediaStream(remoteVideo,; }
var pc = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(servers, {optional: [{RtpDataChannels: true}]}); pc.ondatachannel = function(event) { receiveChannel =; receiveChannel.onmessage = function(event){ document.querySelector("div#receive").innerHTML =; }; }; sendChannel = pc.createDataChannel("sendDataChannel", {reliable: false}); document.querySelector("button#send").onclick = function (){ var data = document.querySelector("textarea#send").value; sendChannel.send(data); };
v=0 o=- 7614219274584779017 2 IN IP4 s=- t=0 0 a=group:BUNDLE audio video a=msid-semantic: WMS m=audio 1 RTP/SAVPF 111 103 104 0 8 107 106 105 13 126 c=IN IP4 a=rtcp:1 IN IP4 a=ice-ufrag:W2TGCZw2NZHuwlnf a=ice-pwd:xdQEccP40E+P0L5qTyzDgfmW a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level a=mid:audio a=rtcp-mux a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:9c1AHz27dZ9xPI91YNfSlI67/EMkjHHIHORiClQe a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2 ...
Lets you use the same code in all browsers:
var webrtc = new WebRTC({ localVideoEl: 'localVideo', remoteVideosEl: 'remoteVideos', autoRequestMedia: true }); webrtc.on('readyToCall', function () { webrtc.joinRoom('My room name'); });
var peer = new Peer('someid', {key: 'apikey'}); peer.on('connection', function(conn) { conn.on('data', function(data){ // Will print 'hi!' console.log(data); }); }); // Connecting peer var peer = new Peer('anotherid', {key: 'apikey'}); var conn = peer.connect('someid'); conn.on('open', function(){ conn.send('hi!'); });
WebRTC and HTML5 could enable the same transformation for real-time communications that the original browser did for information.